Simple, Easy, Calming Breathing Technique


Over the past few years I have undertaken many courses, Breathing, Meditation, Hypnotherapy and many, many more. I have attended Mental Health Practitioner Network Meetings and in my own self development through readings and following many Beautiful people I have put together a simple and effective program that is the result of all of those who have created it through me. I started giving this to my clients late 2020 and many have come back reporting profound changes. I have been asked by numerous people now to record and share it. With much Love here it is, please give it a go, and practice as much as possible. It is really this easy. I am astounded how many people are finding some peace with this.

Play the video below or follow this link and play on your device, email me if you have questions……Peaceful Breathing Technique

I have given this freely, and if you receive and benefit please consider donating on my behalf to Emergent Leaders Foundation Nathan Waters

Empowered Humans.
Conscious Communities.
Harmonic Future.
Emergent Leaders Foundation is a harm prevention charity helping individuals and families to reconnect and build sustainable, harmonic, thriving communities, everywhere. $1000 will help a young warrior attend the four day Young Warrior Leadership camp and follow on group mentoring, and their parents / guardians attend a one day workshop and follow on group mentoring. Any amount helps, just $2 and you can change our community!!!

Love and Light, Nathan.