Now Hiring – Staff Wanted!


We would love some new people to join our team. We are looking for Massage Therapists, Body workers or any allied health workers that would like to work in a multi disciplinary clinic. Nutrionists, Naturopaths, anyone that may add value to our clients health!
My Masseur are a preferred Medibank Private Members Choice partner. We were one of the first in Queensland and are one of the only ones in Townsville. That means over 30,000 members are refereed to us.
We are refereed clients by many Specialist and treat many of them. We have opened a second clinic location at NQPC Kirwan and are looking for staff for our Pimlico and Kirwan clinics.
We would love to mentor any new or prospective massage therapists. We have just helped 2 cert. IV staff through to their Diploma. We welcome Cert IV staff to apply. Run as a small family owned business we pride ourselves on our results. looking forward to having you on the team!
Please email or drop in and meet us.